International Women’s Day

Here at DPB Law we are very proud to be a successful female led law firm. Friday the 8th March 2024 marks International Women’s day and at DPB Law we wished to mark this important day by reflecting on the multitude of achievements of Women in Law.


In 1920, Madge Easton Anderson became the first female solicitor in the United Kingdom, upon being admitted to practice law in Scotland, paving the way for women in law.  More recently we celebrated the appointment of the first female Chief Justice in England and Wales.  Lady Sue Carr, who was sworn into office at the Royal Courts of Justice on the 2nd of October 2023 making history as the first female President of the courts  and head of the Judiciary of England and Wales.


Today whilst women make up over half of lawyers in law firms (53%) the under-representation of women remains apparent at senior levels. While 61% of solicitors are female only 35% are partners in firms. This is why it is important to continue campaigning not just for equality across the profession but in wider society as well.


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